Nathan Elizalde

    Nathan E.

    Nathan E.

    What’s your educational background?
    I attended PNW my entire four and a half years of college. Ask me about the best places to study.

    Professional interests:
    People are my joy with which to work. As long as I can interact and have a good time adding value to others, I feel alive and give my all. I also enjoy strategizing and networking. So…let’s connect!

    What would people be surprised to know about you?
    I am both an actor (in a short film you will have a hard time finding) and recording artist. Yes, you can have my autograph. HaHa!

    What do you love about PNW?
    I love that I was pushed beyond what I knew I could do, yet professors were available to help in those stressful times.
    B.A. 2012

    Best college search tip:
    Look past scholarship sticker prices. You can get a $20,000 scholarship and still pay more than a place where tuition is a fraction of the price.

    Here To Answer Your Questions About...

    • Acceptable transfer credits
    • Paying for PNW
    • Best study spots on campus
    • How to win your fantasy football league

    Let's Talk!

    Nathan is available for a pre-admission counseling appointments via Teams. Use the calendar above to schedule a pre-admissions counseling appointment with Nathan. Available dates and times (marked green) will display.

    After you register, details will be sent in a confirmation message to the email address you provided. 

    For questions regarding your visit or special accommodations, please contact:

    Nathan Elizalde
    (219) 989-2297

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled